The Justice Gate, Noon
The Tower of Justice (Puerta de la Justicia) original entrance to the Alhambra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Translation of Alhambra, "the red (female)”.
“Lit by the light of the sun at different times of the day, shadows are painted bold in The justice Gate, Alhambra, in Spain. As sunlight falls on one side of the structure, its deep shadow tumbles down the other. In another one of this series of vistas, the edifice - painted a saturated coral rose in balance to violet - reverberates against a cobalt-cerulean blue sky as the light changes hour to hour. Yeoman’s debt to Monet’s Rouen Cathedral facades is patent, his subtle use of colour in full light versus shadow important as he fills every inch of the canvas with flickering touches of brusque paint that, akin to the best Velazquez, anticipates an aesthetic, all-over, abstraction.”